Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gone home

Julie loves on Favor, who was quite busy befor her trip to VT

Sometimes you have to just carry them!

Take this toy NOW!

And off she goes on her life's adventure.

Confetti (not yet spoken for) takes matters into hisown hands

Smudge is now 'Pinion'. He gets his own big sister in Quil

Pinion gives 'T' a kiss, the first of many, I think.

Em, Quil and Pinion
I had to give him a last snuggle along with Confetti, though I know I'll see him very frequently. He might have a show career if he comes along well.

Friday, July 29, 2011

They're leaving home...

Well, the time has come, the litter is 8 weeks old tomorrow and away they go. It has been a wonderful healthy happy outgoing litter with lots of visitors, lots of adventures. They traveled well in the car (noisy at first but no carsickness) they gained weight, tolerated worming, vaccinations, and microchipping, all eyes cleared CERF exams by Dr. Bromberg, and all have homes!  (Well, ok, one needs placement but not sure which yet!).  The spoken-for puppies go home tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday.

Last lessons from Mommy to Favor

Favor and Luster chat.

Luster gets some info from Mommy

Add captionSatin dispatches a stick

Dirty Snout Syndrome on Crescent

Dirty Snout Syndrome on Vivi

Future Olympian and all-around Career Girl Favor

Crescent is HOT!

Satin looking to the heavens

Yeah, Favor-tude again

Smudge and Vivi

Smudge and Crescent

Pretty-boy Confetti

Confetti and the poison ivy vine

Mommy says to leave her bodacious ta-ta's alone

Oh well...
Confetti, blue boy, might be available

Crescent, going to live in Bel Air

Career Girl Favor, headed for an agility career in Vermont. You can follow her on her mom's blog

Luster (was Dusk) headed for a show career (we hope!) with co-breeder Debbie Mills

Satin, (was Birdie) also going to Debbie's, hopefully to help carry on her line.

Shiner, to live in Ft. Meade with a family including 3 kids! He'll have a rollicking time!

Smudge, soon to be named (something else) will probably go tothe Powells for a possible show career on co-ownership. He'll learn about horses too.

Vivi, the little Ribbon look-alike, is headed for Westchester Co. NY to live the life of a pampered pet.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Win photo from July 7 show

a point (wow!!) under judge Dr. Robt. M. Brown. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

6 weeks old now

Smudge. Reminds me of Thumper, probably more becasue of head markings than anything else.
Octomom Ribbon lays down the law


Playing with her brood

They have her now!

Crescent. He's going to live in Bel Air, MD

Birdie. She'll go to Debbie in Culpeper, VA

Dusk. Fat tub.

Vivi. I think she is going to be a New Yorker.

Favor. Vermont-bound to live the hellish life of an agility star with Julie.


Ribbon takes matters, and Crescent, into her own, um, hands?

Dusk, fat boy

Crescent and Favor.

Dusk again
And really wild and active. They are using the litter and outdoors exclusively for poops; pees still happen in a bit more well-distributed fashion.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another win

Thumper went Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex today for one mighty point at Catoctin KC show in West Friendship, MD today, judge Robert Brown presiding. This brings him to 11 points in his 9 times in the AKC ring. Really need a Major now!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

And of course the obligatory Brag Photo

Because, well, why not. Proud of my doggy. He was Winners for a 4 point major last weekend in Richmond as previously reported and the photo came (surprisingly quickly, I might add). So here it is, Thumper's first AKC Major under judge James White. Thank you Mr. White. Now on to another Major when we can find one so he can be an AKC Ch. as well.