Tuesday, April 8, 2014

USASA Nationals

 Well it is spring and so USASA Nationals came along, a few weeks earlier than usual due to scheduling issues at the Purina Farms Event Center. So off we went, Ribbon, Thumper and I.
First in the ring was Ribbon, in the 7-10 Veteran Bitch Class where she was a respectable 4th in a surprisingly strong class. Actually not that surprising, there are a number of very good dogs in that age class. In actuality in our breed we probably should increase the age for veterans since most aussies don't really appear to be affected by age until age 10 or more. whatever the case, she looked great and was in the ring with my friend Nancy Temple, who owns a Thumper son.
Ribbon with Nancy

4th in 7-10 veterans under judge Susan Landry-Whiticar
 Next into the ring was Luster (Milwin Inkwell Iridescent), entered in AmBred class with Maria Neff handling. He looked and did great and went 3rd in a competitive class.
Luster and Maria
Lock with Nancy in the Specials ring

3rd under judge Houston Clark
 On the Thursday of the week Thumper and I entered the Obedience ring for the first time, competing in Novice B obedience. We had a good time and garnered a qualifying ribbon in our first trial, with a 189 score. Not terribly polished and it was clear what we needed to work on, but still I am pleased.
Thumper's first Q ribbon evah!  

Hoping this is the last snow photo for the season.

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