A little update on Inkwell doin's this late spring.
Luster is now AKC/ASCA Ch. Milwin Inkwell Iridescent, having completed his akc championship with Maria Neff in May.
I also had Thumper showing in Obedience competition and at the Oriole DTC shows in May, he earned his final 2 qualifying legs to finish his AKC CD. I also had him at an ASCA trial during May where we earned one leg toward his ASCA CD. Now we are working on Open training and starting some of the exercises he will have to perform for a Utility title. But for now Thumper is now
AKC Gr.CH/ASCA multiple PremierCh/CKC BISS Ch. Inkwell's Tom-tom CD. Whew!
Meanwhile Ribbon's son Sammy (Inkwell's Imagine That, AKC UD, RE) is working toward his UDX with owner Donna Johnson, and Favor ( Inkwell Milwin Token of Affection NA, NAJ) continues to excel in agility with her owner Julie Rigby. Favor has asca agility titles as well but I don't have a current list of them!
Favor | |
I hope to have some interesting news in a few weeks! In meantime the dogs will enjoy their summer while training and playing.