Monday, December 26, 2011

Satin decorates the big chair on Christmas Eve

Little Miss Sunshine
On Christmas Eve the camera came out. First some shots indoors for Christmas. I never did get a card done this year--I suppose these will suffice!
What a morose looking collection of dogs. Cute but not into photos this day!

Satin is small enough to fit nicely on the hearth.

Ribbon leads the way

Then we went outside to play in the mud. The yard is hopelessly defoliated by heavy dog traffic so it is all dirt all the time,
Noisy yard!

Ribbon states her mind.

Ribbon drives her point home.

All teeth accounted for.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Got the piktchah

The win-to-finish photo of Thumper making him an AKC Champion.