Friday, September 30, 2011

Win photos from Nationals

Premier win under judge Carol Ann Hartnagle (with Maria Neff, of course!)

And the other Premier win with Judge Stephanie Shope-McDaniel and Maria.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thumper's ASCA Nationals in West Bend, WI

Well another Nationals is ending. I was unable to go to ASCA nationals but Thumper hitched a ride with a friend (thanks Kristina!) to West Bend to rendezvous with Maria Neff for the week, where he was entered in all pre-shows and at National Specialty, in Best of Breed.
Thumper had a good week with Maria, making it through first cut of boys at the first preshow under judge Nikki Marenbach.
The next day under Stephanie Shope-McDaniel Thumper stayed in great company garnering a premier 10 ribbon. Stephanie's mother Ann Shope had awarded Thumper's mother Ribbon a nice Best of Breed ribbon at a local ASCA show a couple of years ago, so nice to have a continuum!
The third Preshow had Carol Ann Hartnagel as judge and once again Thumper was a Premier 10 winner.
The actual Nationals Best of Breed competition was today and Thumper did make first cut but did not advance today, under judge Carol Earnest.  The good news is, he is on the way home to me now!

thanks to Denise Ozyurek for both ringside shots

So a great week for his debut as a Special at an ASCA nationals and will plan for the coming year when he grows up a bit!  Pictures will follow but a couple of ringside shots will suffice for now.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A weekend in the country

I was unable to attend my own ASCA club's 5-show weekend but was able to send Thumper down for the shows. Luste and Satin are already with Debbie in VA so she brought them up for their first experiences in puppy classes.

It turned out to be a nice weekend for Inkwell and for Milwin as well.  Thumper was Best of Breed over several other top specials 2 of the 5 shows, handled by Susan Speight.

The puppies did well too. Luster was Best of Breed puppy twice and BOSP once, as well as BOBP(young puppy) in Sweeps.  He was not shown in the show immediately following Sweeps Saturday morning as he was pretty tired. Satin seemed to be more up to the task, showing in all shows. She traded off some wins with 2 BOBP's and a BOSP for the weekend. I understand both were sleeping well after their exciting weekend!

Sunday afternoon under judge Lynda Shackleford. Susan Speight handled for me.

My favorite win photo of the weekend, Luster handled by Jane Moss under Lynda Shackleford

Satin with one of her wins, under judge Andrea Blizard who awarded Thumper one of his BOB's