Friday, May 13, 2011

Beautiful weather for doggy fun.

The Golden Boy Uno in his yard.

Uno and Thumper matched strides all evening; they must have run 10 miles while we sat on the top of the rise and watched.

Uno slapping himself in the face.

Run, run, run.

Beautiful evening light.,run,run...., run, run....

3 Ribbon puppies after running all evening.

Photo shoot in the front garden. Some buggy distraction for Thumper and Ribbon.

Son and Mother.

Ribbon with a maternal glow. Or a photographer's trick maybe...

Ziva with the azaleas.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The win from Timonium

Thank you judge Robert Shreve.This win gives him 6 points.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Some wins for Thumper

Got our win photos from Thumper's wins at Monroeville shows. In addition he was winners dog at the Timonium shows (Baltimore Kennel Club) on Sunday April 24 under judge Robert Shreve; he was RWD the day before under Houston Clark.