Friday, October 30, 2009

Today's offering

Not sure what the little blue boy on the left is doing, seems pretty happy with his meal.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

They are here!

Ribbon had 7 fat healthy puppies on Sunday October 25. 5 boys and 2 girls. 4 black tri's and 3 blue merles.
Individual photos will come but here are a few to start with, at 2 days old.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Launching the Inkwell Aussies News Page!

I have decided the easiest and most immediate way to keep news up to date is to have this Inkwell Aussies blog. Much of the news for the next few weeks at least will be Ribbon's impending litter, due some time during the week of October 20. She is doing well and looking very pregnant. 
Today she accompanied me to watch a few hours of competition obedience at the Catoctin Kennel Club building. Ribbon has been training with me in preparation for the Obedience ring next year.
But first she will have her puppies, several of whom I also hope will experience the performance rings in some form. All will go to active homes at least, as the sire and Ribbon are both pretty high-drive. I hope to keep a girl ou of the litter and will see if I like any boys as well.

As soon as this litter is born I will post photos and other news about the puppies and dam. 

If you are interested in a puppy please contact me for a questionnaire and a conversation.